Summer Work Experiences which include internships and externships are an essential part of the ACE program to excite young people about opportunities in the construction space. Each summer, high school students are eligible to apply for a work experience with one of the participating firms. To find out about available opportunities, please contact your team leader or affiliate leader.

The section below provides information additional information including an overview of the requirements for work permits for the students.


High school students are offered the ability to experience an actual workplace environment in the construction industry. Each affiliate will work with their students to explore and select the best fit for the summer experience.

2025 Externship Program Description

2025 Host Resource Guide

Work Permits

ACE is getting ready to place high school students in summer workplace experiences across the country.  Some states require minors to get a work permit for their summer experience.

work permit is a document (also known as ‘working papers’) that certifies that an individual (usually under the age of 18) can be employed. Working permits are not federal requirements but many states will require them before employing a teenager or a child.

Many states require a work permit work for students under the age of 18 but some have a lower age of 16.

Many states allow students to get a work permit through their school.

As students are enrolled in the summer workplace program, we will be reminding them that they need a work permit.  We also ask that each affiliate helps us work with the students to get the necessary paperwork.

Click here to look up your state.
