We are grateful to have such a fantastic group of dedicated volunteers. Recently, we held a webinar for all affiliates for the purpose to cover this unprecedented situation that we are all facing. It is clear from your engagement, thoughtful questions, and willingness to share ideas that we truly are all in this together.  COVID-19 ACE Webinar – link to the presentation and audio recording to the webinar.  We have also documented the questions that were asked with the answers.




A few important points:

  1. NEW ACE Student Resources Online is LIVEACE Student Resources Online is a collection of carefully curated, student-directed information. Here, students will find a wealth of industry-related information, including career pathways, professional development, post-secondary preparation, alumni information, and self-directed student activities. This platform is mobile-friendly, and students can easily access ACE Student Resources Online using a computer, tablet, or smartphone.
  2. Meetings: We wanted to remind you that all in-person meetings should have already ceased. If you are continuing to meet with your students, those meetings should be happening on a virtual platform.
  3. Insurance: We are working with our insurance company to figure out how this situation might impact our coverages and costs.  The student and mentor counts are not due until the end of May. (remember that our renewal was moved to September last year) We will continue to update you as we have more information.

Since so much information is coming at such a rapid pace, we are launching and ACE New Blog, where all the updates will be happening in real time.

Check back frequently, engage with fellow volunteers, and let us know what other information we can provide!